

Empowerment, connection, prevention

Welcome to Mindcare Training: provider of quality Mental Health First Aid England training and bespoke Wellness packages.

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Wellbeing Sections

Mental Health First Aid

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Wellness Series

The MindCare Training wellness series was born out of continued requests for upskilling and a real need to dig into the things that affect our mental health; our relationships, our boundaries, our goals, our self-esteem to name a few.

About us

Building skills to pursue positive mental health.

Mental Health First Aid training for organisations and individuals.

Primarily, Mindcare Training is a vehicle for delivery of the accredited MHFA England courses which certify you as a Mental Health First Aider, Mental Health Aware or as a Mental Health Champion.

We also have a constantly expanding selection of Wellness sessions, from which you can build a series tailored to the needs of your team or organisation. Do get in touch for bespoke provision.

All our training can be delivered either in the classroom or online.

mindcare training

"I am passionate about care and protection of vulnerable people, understanding ourselves and others, and knowing how to best build supportive environments for growth and recovery."

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Lou Larkum


real stories

Informative, compassionate and empathic

The course was amazing and very informative. Louise was very approachable, compassionate and empathic throughout the whole process. I enjoyed and looked forward to every session and will definitely recommend to colleagues, friends and family. Thank you Louise for such an amazing journey on this course.
/ Mental Health First Aid course

Online course was really engaging!

I did the course on line and it worked incredibly well. Louise was so engaging and kept us all involved well. It was a good mixture of lone working, working in break out groups, whole group discussion and lecture style.
/ Mental Health First Aid course

Intense course, but totally worthwhile

Great, albeit very intense, course. A lot of very helpful information, and a great manual along with an extremely engaging and enthusiastic instructor. Everyone should take this course, every office should facilitate an in-house support network for mental ill health.
/ Mental Health First Aid course

Brilliant online delivery with amazing study materials

Really enjoyed the course and the fact that I have still been able to do this during lockdown has been fantastic. The study materials are invaluable and I will be using them in the future. Louise was a fantastic tutor and the whole online transition was seamless. She facilitated the sessions well and breakout sessions really helped with the learning. I'll be recommending this course to my friends!
/ Mental Health First Aid course
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We would love to join you in your journey - do get in touch

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